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2. 南海仲裁案
the South China Sea arbitration
An arbitral tribunal with widely contested jurisdiction will issue an award on July 12 on the South China Sea arbitration unilaterally initiated by the Philippines, the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) in The Hague said on Wednesday.
所謂的仲裁(arbitration)是指一種替代性糾紛解決方式(alternative dispute resolution)。其中,參與仲裁的各方為arbitrators,進行仲裁的法庭叫arbitral tribunal,最后做出的裁決叫award,仲裁庭做出裁決可以用issue an award表示。
據(jù)報道,歐洲中部夏令時間7月12日上午11時左右,仲裁庭將在海牙發(fā)布裁決(the tribunal will issue its award in The Hague),常設仲裁法院為該案的書記處(the registry of the tribunal)。裁決書以及附隨的新聞稿將首先通過電子郵件向當事方發(fā)布(the award will first be issued via e-mail to the parties),新聞稿中將包括裁決書的摘要(a summary of the award)。
常設仲裁法庭(Permanent Court of Arbitration, PCA)是位于荷蘭海牙的政府間組織(intergovernmental organization),本身并不是法庭,主要職責是組織各類仲裁庭來解決成員國之間的沖突和爭議(conflict and controversy)。本次菲律賓提請仲裁事項的實質屬于南海部分島礁的領土主權問題,不在《聯(lián)合國海洋法公約》(United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea)的調整范圍內,更不涉及《公約》的解釋或適用,因此仲裁庭對此并無管轄權(jurisdiction),不應進行審理并做出裁決(it should not have heard the case or rendered the award)。
外交部發(fā)言人洪磊29日就此發(fā)表聲明稱,在領土問題(territorial issues)和海域劃界爭議(maritime delimitation disputes)上,中國不接受任何第三方爭端解決方式(any means of third party dispute settlement),不接受任何強加于中國的爭端解決方案(any solution imposed on China)。中國政府將繼續(xù)遵循《聯(lián)合國憲章》確認的國際法和國際關系基本準則(abide by international law and basic norms governing international relations as enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations),堅持與直接有關當事國在尊重歷史事實的基礎上(on the basis of respecting historical facts),根據(jù)國際法(in accordance with international law),通過談判協(xié)商解決南海有關爭議(resolve the relevant disputes in the South China Sea through negotiation and consultation),維護南海和平穩(wěn)定(maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea)。
全球穩(wěn)定 global stability
地區(qū)爭端 regional disputes
國際法 international law
外交手段 diplomatic means
仲裁庭 arbitration/arbitral tribunal
極端主義 extremism
管轄權 jurisdiction
上一篇 : 一周熱詞榜(6.18-24)
下一篇 : 一周熱詞榜(7.2-7.8)
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